Friday, October 27

On top of the world...

...after nearly dying from lack of oxygen on the way up the mountain. But the view from Guagua Pichincha was beautiful!


Anonymous said...

It was so nice to heard that you got into your home Ecuador! :D Be blessed in there and enjoy from beautiful mountains!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you have once again joined us in the 'One-Mile-Plus club' (altitute of course!) One thing I miss about Ecuador is the volcanoes - all we have here in the Himalayas are boring ol' regular mountains! ;-)

WorldTrekker said...

you know, one day I have to go there... there is just something about "MOUNTAINS!!!"

Yours Truly said...

pekka--thank you! It was amazing and I enjoyed every moment!

Jon--aaah, I missed the volcanoes too! And we saw all of the snowcaps. But hey, it is nice that you actually have mountains around!

Trekker--yes MOUNTAINS!! My sis and I actually want to go climb a tall snow-covered one next time(if we could come too!