Tuesday, October 31

Fotos de paseo

Mi Querida Familia.
Tungurahua hechando humo!

Friday, October 27

On top of the world...

...after nearly dying from lack of oxygen on the way up the mountain. But the view from Guagua Pichincha was beautiful!

Thursday, October 26

Coffee time...

...with my silly sis, and my mum who hates to be in pictures. :) It is good to be with family!

Tuesday, October 17

Autumn in the Park

A view that made me stop and dig my camera out of my bag.

Friday, October 13

A visual greeting from Giza!

Mohammed, Yours Truly, and Justin at the internet cafe!

Salaamu Aleikum!

Tuesday, October 3


a quiet afternoon in the downtown park...with the silent statues observing the passersby.

Monday, October 2

Some day my prince will come...

...but probably not by kissing a frog, as the fairytale goes! Looks like he's waiting for his princess' kiss though! :)