Tuesday, June 6

I Spy with my Little Eye...

I have a fetish for train station pictures, simply because I pass through there twice a day! This man was planting violets as the early morning commuters headed to work!
On Sunday, I went on a boat ride while fog and cool air hovered over the sea!
This morning, the market was alive with vendors setting out their goods and vibrant colors decorating the stalls!

Back to Sunday, the fog lifted, and the old buildings of Suomenlinna (our sea fortress) were in clear view along with all sorts of beautiful boats.


Anonymous said...

Yep, beautiful boats. Similar than it what I can use in here. I loooove sailing!! Your must come to sail!!!

Greetings from Israel! It is so wonderful country!!!

"Next year in Jerusalem"

Yours Truly said...

Yeah!!!! Let's go sailing! Sounds like you are having a blast in Israel, can't wait to hear more about your trip! Happy Travels Pekka!