Tuesday, October 30

making it up

"Daddy, this time can we steer the boat? We'll do better than last time when we ran into the island. We promise. I'm six now, and Maria is five, so we're older and can do better."

But the quick wind swept that conversation away. I'm sure the real version was more like, "It's too cold for sailing. Can we go home?"

Sunday, October 28

Today by the Sea

1. Ihanat mussukat! Munchkins on a ledge.
2. Resting a moment.
3. Anna's eyes are the color of the sea on a stormy day.
4. Kalteri tarina: Henna napattiin liiasta hauskuttelusta!

Tuesday, October 23

Retro Disco Dance

I emceed for our charity event...pictured here with Geraldine and Eda!! I got blisters from doing the twist!!!

Tuesday, October 9

what a poser!