Monday, December 18

warm inside

family, candles, chocolate, laughs...aaaahh.


Sonja and Sanni check out the ice on the lake. Moments later we plunged in!

Wednesday, December 13

Party Time!

My fabulous and theatrical roommate on the night she turned a quarter of a century old. In the background, her friends who brought her the mask!


...I don't have a picture of her singing, but she already captured my heart when I first met her...her voice and her hands are so small, she is so lively...

Monday, December 4

Conversing at the Station

"He walked me through grime today, and six drenching puddles!"
"Aw, too bad. This weather makes it difficult to find a good place to step."
"Yeah, well, I won't be on duty tomorrow, I think he's fed up with cold feet and will choose good ol' Gore-tex."
"Nice, the closet is always welcome after a long days walk."
"You said it! Aah, the smell of stale feet and leather!"
"You enjoy, I have to take my feet to the library and back before the next train leaves!"