It is the small moments, the colors, textures, changes and expressions that lend such diversity to my daily landscape. I like to keep my eye on the world, and record some its fleeting uniqueness.
The city is beautiful at night! This is one of the eight bridges that spans the Danube connecting Buda and Pest. Brigitta and her son Davido posing up at the Citadella! It does the heart good to reconnect with friends!
This is the best of summer activity and wildlife! How great is a yellow kayak, and swans with young 'uns nearby! Hehehe! The sky here is enormous! I remember as a kid marvelling that airplane cloud trails could appear in all directions, not just horizontally! It's pretty flat land around these parts!
The following are pictures of my friends' wedding over the weekend. I took the liberty of editing them, because they didn't really turn out too well! It was a joyous day, one, because my friends make a great couple and I love them dearly, and two, because I made new and unexpected friends!